T-molding for furniture, a solution that stands out for its durability

In warm weather - but also in warm and even cold weather - caravans and campers take to the roads to discover new places. Equipping the interior of these homes on wheels requires durable solutions that are resistant to movement and intensive use. Our furniture T-molding solutions are the best choice for protecting interior furniture.

It is no secret that every wooden board used to create furniture requires special external protection, which safeguards the identity of each composition. To provide this service to our customers, we have different products and solutions, within a wide sample book of options in terms of designs, textures and finishes.

Canto en T para autocaravanas
diferentes tipos de tapacantos PVC flexible

Specifically, for projects that require extra strength and durability, our advanced plastic extrusion systems allow us to define and manufacture the T-molding that best fits each board. These are special pieces that fit into it, thanks to a central undulated profile, which ensures a solid and durable fixing.

In addition, as they are normally thicker pieces, they can absorb any type of impact that the piece of furniture may experience during its normal use. These characteristics make these pieces the perfect material to give a unique finish in aesthetics and functionality to all these projects. 

In our T-molding we put our more than 25 years of experience in plastic extrusion technologies and, specifically, in special technical profiles .

At Protecnic, we have a technical office specialized in the development of tooling. Thus, our team is in charge of generating technical profiles that fit exactly with the needs of the furniture manufacturers who trust us.

Currently, we have more than a hundred special profiles in our catalogue of solutions. But the number is growing all the time. With every challenge our customers present us with, a new idea, a new design and a new product is created to meet their specific needs.

Within our catalogue you will find different parts, including bi-component PVC and rubber parts, to create the resistance and flexibility required for the different needs of the industry.

Many of these special solutions are also accompanied by injection molded parts that form a complete solution for our customers to develop new products linked to the injection molding of plastic and aluminum parts. Put yourself in the hands of our team of experts. They will know how to find the ideal solution.